human resources

Disclaimer: Our courses and content are designed for small businesses in the State of California. Small businesses in other states are welcome to purchase our courses and request customization based on their particular state laws. Please contact us if you require additional information.

free harassment prevention COURSES

The State of California offers both supervisor and non-supervisor harassment prevention courses that satisfy legal requirements. Courses are offered in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog.


We offer both supervisor and non-supervisor courses including:

  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion
  • Leave of Absence
  • Rest and Meal Breaks
  • And many more


The best teams are diverse teams, so it goes without saying that the best DEI teams need to reflect your organization's diversity. We offer free templates to assist you in putting together your winning DEI strategy.

California Law

California employment laws are frequently changing, and it is difficult for employers to keep up. In 2024, the new laws include increased mandatory paid sick leave, wage and hour updates, and workplace violence prevention plan requirements. A comprehensive list of updates is provided by the California Employers Association.

FMLA / CFRA cheat sheet & Pregnancy disability cheat sheet

Disclaimer: This guidance is for informational purposes only, does not establish substantive policy or rights, and does not constitute legal advice.

Download documents below.

California meal & rest break info SHEeT

Disclaimer: This guidance is for informational purposes only, does not establish substantive policy or rights, and does not constitute legal advice.

Download document below: